Monday, 15 August 2016

McCarthy and McCarthyism - The Communist Threat to the USA

Hostile, intimidating, and unfazed by the truth, Joe McCarthy single-handedly whipped 1950s USA into a frenzy of anti-communist fear and paranoia.
It was near the start of the Cold War: the Soviet Union had surged ahead of America in the arms race, and Americans everywhere feared the existence of ‘Reds Under the Beds’ within their own communities. In stepped Joseph McCarthy to astonish the country with an astounding statement that confirmed their worst fears.
McCarthy exposes the Reds
It was the evening of February 9, 1950, at a Republican Women’s Club gathering in West Virginia, when 41-year-old McCarthy reported that he had in his grip a list of 205 names of State Department employees known to be members of the American Communist Party. (Four weeks later, McCarthy had revised the number down to fifty-seven).
These informants, said McCarthy, were passing on data to the Soviet Union: “The reason why we find ourselves in a position of impotency is not because the enemy has sent men to invade our shores, but rather because of the traitorous actions of those who have had all the benefits that the wealthiest nation on earth has had to offer.”
And so began the time of the Communist witch-hunts. The start of the Korean War four months later, with the Communist North invading the democratic South Korea, confirmed the aggressive nature of global communism.
McCarthy’s rise
A Republican, Joseph McCarthy slandered his political foes on his way up the political pole, accusing them in turn of senility, financial irregularity, draft-dodging, and war profiteering. But when his own career came under threat with claims that he had lied about his role during the war, McCarthy played on American’s dread of Communism, and overnight became the most talked about politician in America.
Red Hollywood
Hollywood, already under suspicion, became the target of McCarthy’s intense scrutiny. From the hard-working novice to the stars, actors were interrogated. Those who admitted their crimes could wipe the slate clean by confessing, begging forgiveness and providing lists of other wrongdo-ers. One screenwriter named 162 Hollywood actors, writers or directors who were Communist, ex-Commie, or supportive of the communist cause. Many were purged, not to see work again for years. Others went overseas rather than face their turn in the McCarthy spotlight.
The film studios, anxious to win back the respect of the American people, produced a series of propagandist films, “I Married a Communist”, or “I Was A Communist for the FBI” (which earned the 1951 Oscar for Best Documentary).
Joe and Ilk
Republican President hopeful, Dwight Eisenhower, disliked McCarthy but needed his support to win the 1952 election. McCarthy had the audacity to accuse George C. Marshall, originator of the post-World War Two Marshall Plan, of having communist sympathies and being “part of a conspiracy so immense, an infamy so black, as to dwarf any in the history of man.” Eisenhower planned to defend Marshall but, worried at losing McCarthy’s support at such an important time, failed to do so.

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Disputing Suicide Advocacy for the Sickly: A Model Essay in Developmental English/Writing Textbooks

“The Right to Die,” by Norman Cousins:
Published by Pearson, McGraw-Hill, and Cengage
Wordsmith–a Developmental English/Writing textbook by Pamela Arlov at Pearson Higher Education-includes “The Right to Die,” by Norman Cousins as one of its model essays in the Argument (Persuasive)/Social Issues categories. This essay is about the suicide of Dr. Henry Van Dusen and his wife, Elizabeth. They had become increasingly feeble over the years and felt that their lives were being prolonged artificially beyond human dignity. Importantly, Dr. Van Dusen had been the president of Union Theological Seminary; he was a famous voice in American Protestant ethics for over a quarter century-hardly your typical case for suicide advocacy. The caption under the article’s title states, “Suicide is traditionally considered a tragedy, even a sin. Under certain circumstances, can it be considered a triumph over a slow and painful death?”
An Internet search shows how popular this article has become. McGraw-Hill offers the essay through Primis On-Line and Cornerstones. The Familiar Essay, by Mark R. Christensen includes “The Right to Die also through Cengage. Cyberessays reports that the states of Washington and Montana passed a Right to Die law in 2009.
Dr. Van Dusen left behind a brief note asking if the individual has the obligation to go on living when all beauty, meaning, and power of life are gone. Isn’t it a misuse of medical technology to keep the terminally ill alive when there are so many hungry mouths to feed? What if there’s nothing left to give or receive from life? Why should an unnatural form of living be considered better than an unnatural way of dying?
Exercising free will can mean suicide, according to Dr. Van Dusen. A call for the exercise of free will is quite common in philosophical and theological literature, and Dr. Van Dusen wrote on free will extensively during his career. Despair and pain weren’t given as reasons for The Van Dusens’ justifying of suicide.
Importantly, Norman Cousins admits that suicide is alien to the theological tradition of the Van Dusens, as it is in most cultures. However, no comment was made in this article about the kamikaze phase in World War II Japan or the current Islamic extremists. The Van Dusens regretted that their children and grandchildren may be saddened and not accept their decision. Yet Dr. Van Dusen believed that theologians and all of us should debate his case for suicide for the terminally sickly.
In concluding, Cousins asserts, "Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. The unbearable tragedy is to live without dignity or sensitivity.”
My initial reaction to this essay was shock that assisted suicide for the sickly would be a topic in a Developmental English or College Composition course, as opposed to maybe an advanced medical ethics or philosophy course. I wouldn’t risk the appearance of trying to euthanize the grandparents of remedial students. Having a disability for COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) myself makes me a bit squeamish when I hear a call for suicide of the chronically ill.
Once suicide is approved under these circumstances, the cases for acceptable suicide could become extended. What if one felt he or she was too poor to have a dignified existence? The extremely poor can earn as much as $1000/month. Maybe the chronically unemployed or those with a flawed background check could make a case for their own death too. An elderly neighbor feels that there are two unforgivable sins: blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and suicide. Fortunately, the former seems like the most unlikely and esoteric possible form of swearing. My neighbor’s views are probably considerably more common than advocacy for suicide of the sickly.
On another note, I wrote this article twice: 2011 & 2015–before and after getting on Medicaid/Medicare. Back in 2011, I recalled adding mullein leaves (gordolobo) to my coffee pot this morning to help my breathing. This time Mexican herbal cures worked better than traditional medicine over that week-including albuterol for my nebulizer, generic Mucinex, and prednisone. There were also some eucalyptus leaves and whole garlic pieces in that odd drip coffee bin, which had been ineffectual without the gordolobo. At least in Texas, you can buy a package of gordolobo or eucalyptus leaves for $1 each in the Mexican spice and herb section of the grocery store. Now I’m prescribed lung medicine that I never heard about previously because I have a pulmonologist.

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If asked whether they’d rather jump in the closest river or lake, or sit down and write an academic essay, most college aged students would grab their swim suit and ask you to point them in the right direction. A professional essay editing service can help you with writing academic papers, which can be a very intimidating process – especially for college entrance essays or for publication, and not just typical college essays.
Many writers are less than confident in their ability to preset coherent ideas while avoiding typos and fact errors, and that’s why they usually think about using an essay editing service before they submit. When deciding which essay editor to hire, take a look at their samples. There are many advantages to having professional editors edit your academic research paper or dissertation. The professors or teachers who will be reviewing these types of essays are looking for a certain tone and type of argument. Having a professional editor who has experience with academic essays can help you turn mediocre writing into a superb writing.
A professional essay editing service will, at the least read your writing thoroughly and fix any grammatical errors, misspellings, and incorrect word choices. Some essay proofreading services will go a step further and edit for organization, clarity, and structure. If you’re thinking about sending every academic paper you write to an essay editing service before you turn it in, you might want to make sure your editor understands your needs. Most professors are able to develop a good idea of your tone and point of view throughout the course of the semester. A professional essay editing service will understand your academic essay writing and editing requirements.

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Obtaining a Government Grant For a High School Education

Many educational grants are offered for college students. A student can benefit from a high school grant, especially if that student comes from a family with low income.
If a student has problems dealing with the tuition costs there are many financial options he can choose. There are many families that use these high school grants to support the education needs of their students. The government is willing to help the students with few financial possibilities.
But the student must prove that he is willing to take up the technical trainship and that they will pursue a career. The grants are going to help them get equipment and also to improve their abilities.
A high school grant is one of the best ways to fund the education. The great thing is that, unlike the loans, this form of aid must not be repaid. The only important thing is that you must use the money to study and develop the skills. The grants can be used for many challenging applications.
You can submit at any time you want. But there are many students that are trying to get these grants and the competition is fierce. So make sure your application is one of the best so that you can take up the grant. There is absolutely no limit on how many schools offer this grant. This means you will have to do a great research. You need to write a small essay and explain what you want to do. After filling in the application form, and also complete the essay, you are able to send the application.
The waiting time is between 2 or 5 weeks and you will get the money in the email. The government will sponsor the grants. There are many educational foundations and a lot of organizations that offer these sponsorship programs. If you know how to look for them, you will be able to get the sponsorship program that you need. The programs have a good public relations bureau that deal with consumers.
They are able to create corporate social responsibility. There are also many agencies that offer school grants. You have to go to do a lot of research in order to pick the best program for your educational needs. Your key points will be a great essay and a very good application package. So make sure you have all of that in the correct form.

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How Can Cloud Computing Impact Higher Education Positively in Africa?

One could define cloud computing as an internet based computing where by shared resources, software and information are provided for computers and devices on demand. A lot of people have talked about cloud computing. Their ideas have summed up the basic task of cloud computing. Steve Jobs, late chairman of Apple (1997) said “I don’t need a hard disk in my computer if I can get to the server faster… carrying around these non-connected computers is byzantine by comparison.”
Currently, cloud computing has become a significant and major trend both big and small businesses, governments, individuals use cloud computing to make everyday life less complicated. One aspect of society which is strongly influenced by the concept of cloud computing is Education. Nelson Mandela once said that ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ Education is one essential tool which every individual is entitled to.
Before the introduction of cloud computing, the process of gaining Higher education was tedious and stressful one. Students and faculty were both faced with all sorts of dreary tasks like… 'I WONT DO ALL THE WORK FOR YOU. Go look for said tasks’.
This is where the benefits of cloud computing comes in to make education less stressful on both to students and teachers. Since this paper is targeting higher education in Africa, let us discuss the roots of education in Africa. Africa is a continent that is in the process of figuring out its path in education in relation to advanced technology.
Cloud computing has the potential to change the face of Education in Africa while ensuring that everyone gets access to said education. Africa is made up of a lot of countries, some being much developed than others in terms of technology in education. But the baseline is 'how can cloud computing effectively benefit and impact higher education in Africa?’
• It allows students to have access to learning materials from any location 
• It facilitates the day to day operations of institutions that provide this service 
• It helps teachers easily keep track of student progress 
• Allows for easy identification and authentication meaning only those supposed to have access to materials and other stuff will as opposed to books and paper records where anyone can have access
With the integration of cloud computing services into higher education in Africa, the use of textbooks, hard copy papers on journals and handwritten notes will be at its minimal. Notes, articles and all other soft copy documents can be retrieved from the cloud server at any time to use. Students do not have to carry heavy books around any more. All reading material that has a soft copy can be uploaded to the cloud.
Also, the use of floppy disk, external hard drives, pen drives will be used less or possibly not all. Instead of carrying around these items that will contain your important documents, you can easily access it from your cloud provider. Currently almost all software supports the cloud. Adobe and others like Microsoft have made provision for these services and it is so convenient for individual use. So, you forgetting your flash drive somewhere and not having access to your documents will not be happening any more or your document being corrupted. You can have access to your documents anywhere at any time. Also, it will save a student’s money… You don’t need to spend money on a flash drive or an external.
To the benefit of both the teacher and the student, issuing assignments have become really simple and every student is assured of having access to it. The problem with copying assignments from friends is that the information is not always accurate. There is something always missing. So now, whether you are in class or not, a student is assured of having access to assignments in its original correct form. There is no need for a stack of printed assignments to be distributed to over a hundred students for instance.
It is not just the staff and the student body that can enjoy from the cloud. Administration of the school can also benefit from the cloud. School administration can send notices concerning the students via the cloud. Instead of pasting papers and postures on the notice boards, it can be uploaded to the cloud for easy access. How easy is that?
Technically, everyone benefits from the cloud. Last but not the least; virtual classrooms have become realistic in the African higher institutions using the cloud. On-line courses can now be put in full force because every activity, research notes, lecture voice tutorials, assignments and all relevant documents can now be uploaded to the cloud. All students can have full access to the same information at all times. With this, people who cannot attend class like regular students due to day time jobs or other related events can equally have access to information just as a regular student does.

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Parents Guide to Writing Private High School Application Essays

Your teenager’s entrance into private high school cannot be taken for granted. With public schools beset with a variety of problems - discipline, poor test results, safety - private high schools offer your child a quality education in a safe environment.
When you request an information package from a private high school, you will discover that essays and short answer essays are required from both you and your teenager. Your teen, who should be comfortable with answering essay style questions will be asked about his academic strengths and weaknesses, his desire to attend the private school and about his hobbies and extra-curricular activities. Questions directed to parents, however, often have a different focus and are designed with different purposes in mind.
Usually, the essay questions directed to parents are analytical in nature. Instead of asking for facts, these questions ask you to speak about your teens character, to discuss family dynamics and to gauge your role as a supporter of the private school. Private high school admittance directors recognize that teenagers who are brought up in a stable, education focused home, are much more likely to succeed than their peers who have less support at home.
Similarly, private school administrators look at your essay answers to determine whether you can be counted on to support the high school financially or through volunteer work. As you might imagine, administrators cannot legally or ethically ask some of these questions but they can draw inferences based on your answers to application questions.
Analytical Questions
For example, an entrance application question may ask what you believe your child can contribute to the XYZ school. This type of question is really asking you to speak to your child’s academic, social, athletic and out-of-school interests. If you have visited the school, reference your visit to show that you have made an effort to learn more about the school. Your answer should address each of your child’s areas of interest and strength. Here is a sample answer to this question:
During our recent visit to the XYZ School, Tommy pointed out to me the well equipped science lab and asked a number of questions about the science curriculum available to students at the school. Tommy has a long standing interest in studying science and he has performed well in elementary school and we believe that he will bring that interest and aptitude to his high school studies. His current teachers note that Tommy regularly asks thoughtful and insightful questions in class. In addition to working hard to perform well academically, Tommy will be an willing participant in the school’s baseball team and/or its marching band. Tommy keeps a busy schedule during the school year and as a well rounded and serious young man, he will represent the ideals and message of the XYZ School now and in the future.

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Three Keys For Writing the Best Possible College Admissions Essay

College admissions officers consistently rank the personal essay as one of the most important factors in their decision to admit or reject students. It’s one of the few parts of the application in which an applicant represents herself or himself not in dry statistics, but in her or his own words and ideas. A well-written personal essay transforms a student from a package of information into a real person for the committee, whose essential job it is to stand in judgment. No matter how smart and successful a student you have been, if you don’t write a personal essay that quickly and effectively reveals you to be passionate, intellectually curious, and a person of strong character, you won’t be asked to become a member of the university community. So, as you write your personal essay, consider these tips:
1. Think about your audience and write for them. Who are they? What is their task? Under what conditions are they reading your essay? College admissions officers read thousands of essays from hopeful applicants. And they read them over the course of a few short weeks, often according to a set of criteria that have not been made public and that are designed to reduce the pile of applications in front of them to manageable size. With a maximum of 1000 words and no more than a minute or two to create an impression, you have to make the reader’s job easy and interesting and give them reason to spend more time reviewing your application. Your writing must be clean, clear, well-organized, and easy-to-read. What’s more, the content of the essay must be original, compelling, meaningful, and distinctive. And, because your readers need to assess your analytical and intellectual skills, your personal essay must display the rhetorical markers of a highly-skilled thinker and communicator.
2. The personal essay turns you into a real person for the admissions committee. The person you represent yourself to be in your essay must be authentically you. But that doesn’t mean it should be your deepest, most intimate, inner-most self. You’re applying to become a member of a pretty special and exclusive kind of community. One, like any other community, that seeks to perpetuate its most important values. Present the wrong you to the college or university community and you’ll be rejected.
Instead, work hard to display essential personal qualities that are most relevant to the diverse missions of the college or university to which you are applying. Remember that universities and colleges are first and foremost institutions dedicated to the life of the mind. Words and ideas are passionately real at the university and are deeply integrated into the daily life of the people who live and work there. So any personal experience or ambition that you describe in your essay must become fodder for purposeful reflection that is of interest and use to university folk. You’ll need to explain what your experience or ambition should mean to someone committed to an intellectual approach to life.

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Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Buy CBSE Books Online

The Central Board of Secondary Education or more popularly known as CBSE is a Board of Education for public and private schools, under the Union Government of India. With the examinations centralized, the board imparts a uniform and balanced education to the students under it’s umbrella.
To facilitate a better understanding of the various CBSE subjects, there are CBSE school books that are available online. Parents can buy CBSE books online pertaining to the various subjects for their children. Following are the various ways in which both the student and the parents are benefitted.
1. The CBSE Board affiliates all the Kendriya Vidyalayas in India. India is a diverse country of different languages and cultures. As such, having books that facilitate a better understanding of the subject is imperative. For instance, CBSE books online class 7, when bought have actually resulted in better performance of the students of class 7.
2. These books have been specifically designed keeping the CBSE syllabus in mind. The ones available in the physical retail stores are available here as well.
3. Convenience - You get to order the books from the comfort of your home or even from your smart phone when you are on the go! Whether you are a parent or a student, this activity saves you valuable time. No more standing in long queues or having to repeatedly visit the retail stores only to find that the book is out of stock. Moreover, the books are also delivered at your doorstep. So when you buy CBSE books online, it is a smart, effective and efficient process.
4. CBSE Sample Question papers: A good preparation for the boards is not complete without simulator examination prototypes. These are available in the form of CBSE Sample Question papers that are available online. Practicing on them prior to the actual boards gives that razor sharp competitive edge. Just as a sword is sharpened before the war, likewise, the student’s mind is fine - tuned to face the volley of different questions that the CBSE board examination will present.
5. Guide Books and Question Banks: To facilitate better understanding of the various subjects and instill a sense of interest in the students, there are guide books which simplify difficult concepts and present them before the students in an easily understandable manner.
Scoring well in examinations is one aspect and having a good understanding of the subject is another. When you buy CBSE books online you get to blend both of these aspects together and the whole experience of a challenging CBSE board examination preparation becomes interesting and fun!

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